Forget Ice Bucket Challenge, Now You can Press Breast For Charity
Women are offering men to touch them for a good cause.
After the Ice Bucket Challenge success, in which the ALS organization has managed to raise over$73 million, women began a new craze for charity.
The new craze involves men touching women’s body parts and donate money for an AIDS foundation.
The group of Japanese stars teamed up with The Japan Foundation for AIDS Prevention, to hold a fundraising event called “Stop! Aids.”
People began referring to the event as“B00b-Aid.” “I never thought that my body could contribute to society,” said Rina Serina, who is participating in the event.
If you are in Japan, you can join the 24-hour“B00b- Aid” event on Saturday.
Just remember to take along money to help the fight against AIDS.
Friday, August 29, 2014
Should He Take Her Back? Harrysong Explains His Ex Wants Him Back Because He Is Famous
Should He Take Her Back? Harrysong Explains His Ex Wants Him Back Because He Is Famous
Five StarMusic actHarrysonghas explained how women now flock around him and how his ex-girlfriend whom he dated for 4 years in Warri asked him to choose between her and his career when he moved to Lagos back then.
Now she wants me back, he said.Do you think he should take her back?His words first;
‘oh yes, I remember when I came to Lagos, I was in a relationship back in Warri, and at that time she gave me the option of coming back to Warri to get married to her because she wasn’t comfortable with the distance or I should face my career and forget about her.
‘So I thought about it, and I begged her to be patient because I had no money, but she said she couldn’t wait because she has other interested guys on her case and her parents wanted her to get married quickly too. So I wished her luck and kept on hustling with my career in Lagos.
‘Just yesterday, the same girl called me asking for asking for a date, apparently she’s still not married’….
What do you guys advice Harryongson on this???
Should He Take Her Back? Harrysong Explains His Ex Wants Him Back Because He Is Famous
Five StarMusic actHarrysonghas explained how women now flock around him and how his ex-girlfriend whom he dated for 4 years in Warri asked him to choose between her and his career when he moved to Lagos back then.
Now she wants me back, he said.Do you think he should take her back?His words first;
‘oh yes, I remember when I came to Lagos, I was in a relationship back in Warri, and at that time she gave me the option of coming back to Warri to get married to her because she wasn’t comfortable with the distance or I should face my career and forget about her.
‘So I thought about it, and I begged her to be patient because I had no money, but she said she couldn’t wait because she has other interested guys on her case and her parents wanted her to get married quickly too. So I wished her luck and kept on hustling with my career in Lagos.
‘Just yesterday, the same girl called me asking for asking for a date, apparently she’s still not married’….
What do you guys adviceHarryongson this
Pastor Oyakhilome’s wife files for divorce in London court, alleges adultery
Pastor Oyakhilome’s wife files for divorce in London court, alleges adultery
According to The Cable, the dissolution of the marriage between Christ Embassy Church founder, Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, and his wife, Rev. Anita Odegwa Oyakhilome, has entered the final phase.
The wife is seeking divorce on the grounds of “unreasonable behaviour” and “adultery”. She outlined several allegations against the pastor which cannot publish for legal reasons. The divorce case, with Suit No FD14D01650, was filed on April 9, 2014 at Divorce Section A, Central Family Court, First Avenue House, High Holborn, London, UK, on Anita’s behalf by Attwaters Jameson Hill Solicitors, a full-service law firm with expertise in commercial law and a strong consumer focus in family, wills and estate, personal injury law and medical negligence.
Efforts to reconcile the popular couple, whose church is one of the biggest denominations in Nigeria and has branches all over world, have failed. They have two teenage daughters, Sharon and Charlyn." Continue...
Oyakhilome is the president of Believers’ Love World Inc, the registered name of the Christian ministry, while his wife is the vice-president. The pastor, according to an elder of the church, has denied allegations of adultery and believes his wife is being influenced by “bad friends” who are intent on destroying their home. While Anita believes she has been relegated in the scheme of things in the church, her husband has reportedly accused her of trying to usurp power and authority above her seniors in the ministry. Sources told TheCable that the pastor had been making efforts to avoid divorce in the hope that the wife would eventually have a change of mind. However, the decree nissi was served on the charismatic pastor in his hotel room during a recent visit to the UK. Decree nissi, in legal terms, is like a yellow card in a football match which is a precursor to a red card (“decree absolute”) if no new evidence is provided to stall proceedings. Church insiders said Oyakhilome had been hoping for rapprochement, but he was left with no option than to receive the papers when the lawyers cornered him at his hotel in London. The decree absolute, which will effectively end the marriage, is expected to be issued soon while terms of the divorce will be worked out by the lawyers on both sides.Source: TheCable
Thursday, August 28, 2014
Woman Shoots Her Boyfriend For Not Ejaculating Enough During s*x
Woman Shoots Her Boyfriend For Not Ejaculating Enough During s*x
A Michigan woman convicted earlier this year of shooting her lover in the stomach has been granted bond, set at $10,000. The prosecutor called the facts of the case “a little bizarre,” which is a polite understatement: 58-year-old Sadie Bell said she shot the man when she suspected him of cheating because he didn’t produce enough e*******e when they had s*x that night.
“She also said to the police some very graphic things about how she expected him to perform, she was a cheap date, she liked s*x, she expected him to be able to do what he’s promised; and she said, in essence, to quote her, she was pissed off, so she shot him,” Oakland County prosecutor Paul Walton told Detroit’s WWJ.
The victim and alleged weak producer of semen, Edward Lee, suffered damage to his colon and pancreas. Prosecutors say he nearly died.
Lee was technically cheating, but not on Bell. The two of them had been carrying on a 15-year affair.
Bell was accused in 1991 of shooting her then-husband, but he refused to testify against her, and she was never convicted.
As of Thursday, she had yet to post the $10,000 cash bond. Prosecutors are in the process of challenging it, saying it never should have been granted.
MUST READ: How Boko Haram Is Funded And Why Jonathan Cannot Arrest Sponsors
Revealed: How Boko Haram Is Funded And Why Jonathan Cannot Arrest Sponsors
A Perth-based international adviser, Dr. Stephen Davis, who survived months of extreme danger to try to rescue more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram, has revealed that one of the primary sources of funding for the terror group is Nigerian politicians.
Davis has worked in Nigeria in the past with the Archbishop of Canterbury and Head of the Church of England, Justin Welby, to negotiate the release of kidnapped oil industry workers in the Niger Delta. Speaking yesterday in an interview on ABC News, an Australian television station, Davis, 63, said he had realised the only way to stop the kidnappings was to stop the sponsors of Boko Haram.
While Al Qaeda was involved in training Boko Haram recruits, Davis said one of their major sources of funding – aside from raiding banks – was Nigerian politicians.
“That makes it easier in some ways as they can be arrested, but of course the onus of proof is high and many are in opposition, so if the president (Goodluck Jonathan) moves against them, he would be accused of trying to rig the elections due early next year,” he said.
“So I think this will run through to the election unabated. These politicians think that if they win power they can turn these terrorists off, but this has mutated.
“It’s no longer a case of Muslims purifying by killing off Christians. They are just killing indiscriminately, beheading, disemboweling people – men, women and children and whole villages.
“I would say it’s almost beyond the control of the political sponsors now. Terror groups are linking up in Somalia, southern Sudan, Egypt and we have fairly strong evidence they are talking with ISIS members.
“They will link up with ISIS and Al Shabaab and I think that what we are seeing in that region is the new homeland of radical Islam in the world,” he told his interviewer.
Davis, who returned to Australia after a four-month sojourn with rare footage of the intense fighting in Nigeria’s North-east, as Boko Haram stepped up efforts to establish an Islamic state, said he established extensive contacts with tribes and terrorist groups in Africa, including three small cells of Al Qaeda, while working as a troubleshooter for oil and gas company Shell in the Niger Delta. When news broke in April about the girls’ kidnapping from a school in the village of Chibok, near the Cameroun border, Davis, who had recently moved to Perth from London, decided he could not sit on his hands.
During the journey in North-eastern Nigeria, his life was threatened more than once, but his Australian passport saved him.
“When confronted by groups with an AK-47 in my face they’d say, ‘you are American, we have to kill you’,” Davis said.
“When you say, no I’m not American, they think you are British, and say you will still die, but when I said I’m Australian, they said that’s all right.
I have no idea why but it’s certainly been helpful.” The devout Christian managed to smuggle out of the country footage of a handful of schoolgirls who escaped from Boko Haram.
They detail the atrocities they endured, including being r***d almost on a daily basis.
” Following media reports that nobody knew where the girls were, he decided to reach out to his contacts. “I made a few phone calls to the Boko Haram commanders and they confirmed they were in possession of the girls,” he said. They told me they’d be prepared to release some as a goodwill gesture towards a peace deal with the government, so I went to Nigeria on the basis of being able to secure their release.”
Arriving in Nigeria, Davis quickly set up talks with commanders and he believed he had brokered a deal.
Fearing being arrested, the Boko Haram commanders – holding the girls across the border in Cameroun – had a list of conditions.
They wanted the military to stand down and promised to drop the girls in a village before phoning to give their exact location. Davis said they lived up to their promise, but in a region ravaged by war and corruption, the rescue was sabotaged. “The girls were there, 60 girls, there were 20 vehicles with the girls,” he said.
“We travelled for four-and-a-half hours to reach them, but 15 minutes before we arrived they were kidnapped again by another group who wanted to cash in on a reward.
The police had offered a reward of several million naira just 24 hours before we went to pick them up.
“I understand, from the Boko Haram commanders I spoke to, the girls eventually ended up back with them. I don’t know what happened to the group that took them but I suspect it wasn’t good,” he disclosed.
Davis said a young man kidnapped by Boko Haram and used as a driver later helped a handful of girls to escape.
One kidnapped girl, who managed to avoid having her mobile phone confiscated by turning it off and hiding it in her bra, managed to call her family while hiding in bushes, but had no idea where she was or which direction she should be heading.
After being told to walk west by following the sunset each evening, the four girls managed to cross the border from Cameroun and into Nigeria before being reunited with their families.
So far they are the only girls to have escaped from a Boko Haram camp.
When Davis later tried to contact, via text, the young man who helped them, he received a sobering reply.
“The person you are trying to contact has gone on a journey from which there is no return,” the reply read.
“He was an infidel.” Davis said the longer he stayed in Nigeria the more it dawned on him the kidnappings would not end. “It became very clear that if I was able to get 50 girls released, then another group would kidnap 70 or 80 more. So by freeing 50 you were consigning 70 or 80 more to the same fate,” he explained.
Davis said initially journalists from around the world including CNN, the ABC and BBC flocked into the country, but they concluded it was far too dangerous to send any crew into the North-east of the country.
He said since then, the violence in North-east Nigeria and the threat of foreign journalists being kidnapped and beheaded, there has been limited coverage of the crimes being committed by Boko Haram.
“Boko Haram used to telephone Nigerian journalists and give them a story, but that doesn’t happen anymore,” he said.
They go straight to social media. They post their own material and they’ve learnt to become very savvy on social media and use it as an instrument to terrorise.”
Davis, who has a PhD in political geography, has worked as an adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo and the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. He also worked for Shell in Nigeria in an advisory capacity between 2002 and 2004.
Revealed: How Boko Haram Is Funded And Why Jonathan Cannot Arrest Sponsors
A Perth-based international adviser, Dr. Stephen Davis, who survived months of extreme danger to try to rescue more than 200 schoolgirls kidnapped by terrorist group Boko Haram, has revealed that one of the primary sources of funding for the terror group is Nigerian politicians.
Davis has worked in Nigeria in the past with the Archbishop of Canterbury and Head of the Church of England, Justin Welby, to negotiate the release of kidnapped oil industry workers in the Niger Delta. Speaking yesterday in an interview on ABC News, an Australian television station, Davis, 63, said he had realised the only way to stop the kidnappings was to stop the sponsors of Boko Haram.
While Al Qaeda was involved in training Boko Haram recruits, Davis said one of their major sources of funding – aside from raiding banks – was Nigerian politicians.
“That makes it easier in some ways as they can be arrested, but of course the onus of proof is high and many are in opposition, so if the president (Goodluck Jonathan) moves against them, he would be accused of trying to rig the elections due early next year,” he said.
“So I think this will run through to the election unabated. These politicians think that if they win power they can turn these terrorists off, but this has mutated.
“It’s no longer a case of Muslims purifying by killing off Christians. They are just killing indiscriminately, beheading, disemboweling people – men, women and children and whole villages.
“I would say it’s almost beyond the control of the political sponsors now. Terror groups are linking up in Somalia, southern Sudan, Egypt and we have fairly strong evidence they are talking with ISIS members.
“They will link up with ISIS and Al Shabaab and I think that what we are seeing in that region is the new homeland of radical Islam in the world,” he told his interviewer.
Davis, who returned to Australia after a four-month sojourn with rare footage of the intense fighting in Nigeria’s North-east, as Boko Haram stepped up efforts to establish an Islamic state, said he established extensive contacts with tribes and terrorist groups in Africa, including three small cells of Al Qaeda, while working as a troubleshooter for oil and gas company Shell in the Niger Delta. When news broke in April about the girls’ kidnapping from a school in the village of Chibok, near the Cameroun border, Davis, who had recently moved to Perth from London, decided he could not sit on his hands.
During the journey in North-eastern Nigeria, his life was threatened more than once, but his Australian passport saved him.
“When confronted by groups with an AK-47 in my face they’d say, ‘you are American, we have to kill you’,” Davis said.
“When you say, no I’m not American, they think you are British, and say you will still die, but when I said I’m Australian, they said that’s all right.
I have no idea why but it’s certainly been helpful.” The devout Christian managed to smuggle out of the country footage of a handful of schoolgirls who escaped from Boko Haram.
They detail the atrocities they endured, including being r***d almost on a daily basis.
” Following media reports that nobody knew where the girls were, he decided to reach out to his contacts. “I made a few phone calls to the Boko Haram commanders and they confirmed they were in possession of the girls,” he said. They told me they’d be prepared to release some as a goodwill gesture towards a peace deal with the government, so I went to Nigeria on the basis of being able to secure their release.”
Arriving in Nigeria, Davis quickly set up talks with commanders and he believed he had brokered a deal.
Fearing being arrested, the Boko Haram commanders – holding the girls across the border in Cameroun – had a list of conditions.
They wanted the military to stand down and promised to drop the girls in a village before phoning to give their exact location. Davis said they lived up to their promise, but in a region ravaged by war and corruption, the rescue was sabotaged. “The girls were there, 60 girls, there were 20 vehicles with the girls,” he said.
“We travelled for four-and-a-half hours to reach them, but 15 minutes before we arrived they were kidnapped again by another group who wanted to cash in on a reward.
The police had offered a reward of several million naira just 24 hours before we went to pick them up.
“I understand, from the Boko Haram commanders I spoke to, the girls eventually ended up back with them. I don’t know what happened to the group that took them but I suspect it wasn’t good,” he disclosed.
Davis said a young man kidnapped by Boko Haram and used as a driver later helped a handful of girls to escape.
One kidnapped girl, who managed to avoid having her mobile phone confiscated by turning it off and hiding it in her bra, managed to call her family while hiding in bushes, but had no idea where she was or which direction she should be heading.
After being told to walk west by following the sunset each evening, the four girls managed to cross the border from Cameroun and into Nigeria before being reunited with their families.
So far they are the only girls to have escaped from a Boko Haram camp.
When Davis later tried to contact, via text, the young man who helped them, he received a sobering reply.
“The person you are trying to contact has gone on a journey from which there is no return,” the reply read.
“He was an infidel.” Davis said the longer he stayed in Nigeria the more it dawned on him the kidnappings would not end. “It became very clear that if I was able to get 50 girls released, then another group would kidnap 70 or 80 more. So by freeing 50 you were consigning 70 or 80 more to the same fate,” he explained.
Davis said initially journalists from around the world including CNN, the ABC and BBC flocked into the country, but they concluded it was far too dangerous to send any crew into the North-east of the country.
He said since then, the violence in North-east Nigeria and the threat of foreign journalists being kidnapped and beheaded, there has been limited coverage of the crimes being committed by Boko Haram.
“Boko Haram used to telephone Nigerian journalists and give them a story, but that doesn’t happen anymore,” he said.
They go straight to social media. They post their own material and they’ve learnt to become very savvy on social media and use it as an instrument to terrorise.”
Davis, who has a PhD in political geography, has worked as an adviser to former President Olusegun Obasanjo and the late President Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. He also worked for Shell in Nigeria in an advisory capacity between 2002 and 2004.
LUDA-URCH, The Gospel Maestro, Has Proving Him Seft On This Commercial DOpE Song, Most definitely He Did The CoLLaboraTion With “YUNG-MIMS, Who Is The Hottest Upcoming Igbo Indigenous Rapper, And Also “MIc-MEEZY” Who Is The Mic Owner, Mehn You Can’t Afford To Miss This, Just Click the Link And Get Dance All Through!
LUDA-URCH, The Gospel Maestro, Has Proving Him Seft On This Commercial DOpE Song, Most definitely He Did The CoLLaboraTion With “YUNG-MIMS, Who Is The Hottest Upcoming Igbo Indigenous Rapper, And Also “MIc-MEEZY” Who Is The Mic Owner, Mehn You Can’t Afford To Miss This, Just Click the Link And Get Dance All Through!
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Fake Degree? 55 Illegal Universities Operating In Nigeria, 8 Under Investigation — NUC Reveals [See List]
MUST READ: Fake Degree? 55 Illegal Universities Operating In Nigeria, 8 Under Investigation — NUC Reveals [See List]
The NUC has listed 55 universities in its 2014 List of Illegal Universities in Nigeria….
No fewer than fifty-five universities were listed on theNational Universities Commission (NUC)2014 List of Illegal Universities in Nigeria, with a further eight currently being investigated.
According to theNUC,the listed universities are ‘Degree Mills’ which are “not been licensed by the Federal Government and have, therefore, been closed down for violating the Education (National Minimum Standards etc.) Act CAP E3 Law of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.
The Commission warned the public not to do business with the listed institutions.
“For the avoidance of doubt, anybody who patronises or obtains any certificate from any of these illegal institutions does so at his or her own risk.
“Certificates obtained from these sources will not be recognised for the purposes of NYSC, employment, and further studies. The relevant Law enforcement agencies have also been informed for their further necessary action,” the announcement further read.
The NUC List of Illegal Universities in Nigeria 2014:
1. University of Accountancy and Management Studies, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
2. Christians of Charity American University of Science & Technology, Nkpor, Anambra State or any of its other campuses.
3. University of Industry, Yaba, Lagos or any of its other campuses.
4. University of Applied Sciences & Management, Port Novo, Republic of Benin or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
5. Blacksmith University, Awka or any of its other campuses.
6. Volta University College, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
7. Royal University Izhia, P.O. Box 800, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State or any of its other campuses.
8. Atlanta University, Anyigba, Kogi State or any of its other campuses.
9. Sunday Adokpela University, Otada Adoka, Otukpo, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
10. United Christian University, Macotis Campus, Imo State or any of its other campuses.
11. United Nigeria University College, Okija, Anambra State or any of its other campuses.
12. Samuel Ahmadu University, Makurdi, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
13. UNESCO University, Ndoni, Rivers State or any of its other campuses.
14. Saint Augustine’s University of Technology, Jos, Plateau State or any of its other campuses.
15. The International University, Missouri, USA, Kano and Lagos Study Centres, or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
16. Collumbus University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
17. Tiu International University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria
18. Pebbles University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
19. London External Studies UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
20. Pilgrims University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
21. Lobi Business School Makurdi, Benue State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
22. West African Christian University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
23. Bolta University College Aba or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
24. JBC Seminary Inc. (Wukari Jubilee University) Kaduna Illegal Campus.
25. Westlan University, Esie, Kwara State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
26. St. Andrews University College, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
27. EC-Council University, USA, Ikeja Lagos Study Centre.
28. Atlas University, Ikot Udoso Uko, Uyo Akwa Ibom State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
29. Concept College/Universities (London) Ilorin or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
30. Halifax Gateway University, Ikeja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
31. Kingdom of Christ University, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
32. Acada University, Akinlalu, Oyo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
33. Fifom University, Mbaise, Imo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
34. Houdegbe North American University campuses in Nigeria.
35. Atlantic Intercontinental University, Okija, Anambra State.
36. Open International University, Akure.
37. Middle Belt University (North Central University), Otukpo
38. Leadway University, Ughelli, Delta State
39. Metro University, Dutse/Bwari, Abuja
40. Southend University, Ngwuro Egeru (Afam) Ndoki, Rivers State
41. Olympic University, Nsukka, Enugu State
42. Federal College of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Abuja.
43. Temple University, Abuja
44. Irish University Business School London, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
45. National University of Technology, Lafia, Nasarawa State.
46. University of Accountancy and Management Studies, Mowe, Lagos – Ibadan Expressway and its Annex at 41, Ikorodu Road, Lagos.
47. University of Education, Winneba Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
48. Cape Coast University, Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
49. African University Cooperative Development (AUCD), Cotonou, Benin Republic, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
50. Pacific Western University, Denver, Colorado, Owerri Study Centre.
51. Evangel University of America & Chudick Management Academic, Lagos.
52. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Gboko Campus).
53. Career Light Resources Centre, Jos.
54. University of West Africa, Kwali-Abuja, FCT.
55. Coastal Univversity, Iba-Oku, Akwa-Ibom State.
The following are currently undergoing further investigations and/or ongoing court actions.
1. National University of Nigeria, Keffi, Nasarawa State.
2. North Central University, Otukpo, Benue State.
3. Christ Alive Christian Seminary and University, Enugu.
4. Richmond Open University, Arochukwu, Abia State.
5. West Coast University, Umuahia.
6. Saint Clements University, Iyin Ekiti, Ekiti State.
7. Volta University College, Aba, Abia State.
8. Illegal Satellite Campuses of Ambrose Alli University.
Jiga Entertainment Readers: if your in any of these Institution, Please ask questions very Well,and if you are planning to Gain admission into any of these institution ask questions too so that you will not waste your time and MONEY...
Have a Nice Day!
MUST READ: Fake Degree? 55 Illegal Universities Operating In Nigeria, 8 Under Investigation — NUC Reveals [See List]
The NUC has listed 55 universities in its 2014 List of Illegal Universities in Nigeria….
No fewer than fifty-five universities were listed on theNational Universities Commission (NUC)2014 List of Illegal Universities in Nigeria, with a further eight currently being investigated.
According to theNUC,the listed universities are ‘Degree Mills’ which are “not been licensed by the Federal Government and have, therefore, been closed down for violating the Education (National Minimum Standards etc.) Act CAP E3 Law of the Federation of Nigeria 2004.
The Commission warned the public not to do business with the listed institutions.
“For the avoidance of doubt, anybody who patronises or obtains any certificate from any of these illegal institutions does so at his or her own risk.
“Certificates obtained from these sources will not be recognised for the purposes of NYSC, employment, and further studies. The relevant Law enforcement agencies have also been informed for their further necessary action,” the announcement further read.
The NUC List of Illegal Universities in Nigeria 2014:
1. University of Accountancy and Management Studies, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
2. Christians of Charity American University of Science & Technology, Nkpor, Anambra State or any of its other campuses.
3. University of Industry, Yaba, Lagos or any of its other campuses.
4. University of Applied Sciences & Management, Port Novo, Republic of Benin or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
5. Blacksmith University, Awka or any of its other campuses.
6. Volta University College, Ho, Volta Region, Ghana or any of its other campuses in Nigeria.
7. Royal University Izhia, P.O. Box 800, Abakaliki, Ebonyi State or any of its other campuses.
8. Atlanta University, Anyigba, Kogi State or any of its other campuses.
9. Sunday Adokpela University, Otada Adoka, Otukpo, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
10. United Christian University, Macotis Campus, Imo State or any of its other campuses.
11. United Nigeria University College, Okija, Anambra State or any of its other campuses.
12. Samuel Ahmadu University, Makurdi, Benue State or any of its other campuses.
13. UNESCO University, Ndoni, Rivers State or any of its other campuses.
14. Saint Augustine’s University of Technology, Jos, Plateau State or any of its other campuses.
15. The International University, Missouri, USA, Kano and Lagos Study Centres, or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
16. Collumbus University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
17. Tiu International University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria
18. Pebbles University, UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
19. London External Studies UK operating anywhere in Nigeria.
20. Pilgrims University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
21. Lobi Business School Makurdi, Benue State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
22. West African Christian University operating anywhere in Nigeria.
23. Bolta University College Aba or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
24. JBC Seminary Inc. (Wukari Jubilee University) Kaduna Illegal Campus.
25. Westlan University, Esie, Kwara State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
26. St. Andrews University College, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
27. EC-Council University, USA, Ikeja Lagos Study Centre.
28. Atlas University, Ikot Udoso Uko, Uyo Akwa Ibom State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
29. Concept College/Universities (London) Ilorin or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
30. Halifax Gateway University, Ikeja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
31. Kingdom of Christ University, Abuja or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
32. Acada University, Akinlalu, Oyo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
33. Fifom University, Mbaise, Imo State or any of its campuses in Nigeria.
34. Houdegbe North American University campuses in Nigeria.
35. Atlantic Intercontinental University, Okija, Anambra State.
36. Open International University, Akure.
37. Middle Belt University (North Central University), Otukpo
38. Leadway University, Ughelli, Delta State
39. Metro University, Dutse/Bwari, Abuja
40. Southend University, Ngwuro Egeru (Afam) Ndoki, Rivers State
41. Olympic University, Nsukka, Enugu State
42. Federal College of Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Abuja.
43. Temple University, Abuja
44. Irish University Business School London, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
45. National University of Technology, Lafia, Nasarawa State.
46. University of Accountancy and Management Studies, Mowe, Lagos – Ibadan Expressway and its Annex at 41, Ikorodu Road, Lagos.
47. University of Education, Winneba Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
48. Cape Coast University, Ghana, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
49. African University Cooperative Development (AUCD), Cotonou, Benin Republic, operating anywhere in Nigeria.
50. Pacific Western University, Denver, Colorado, Owerri Study Centre.
51. Evangel University of America & Chudick Management Academic, Lagos.
52. Enugu State University of Science and Technology (Gboko Campus).
53. Career Light Resources Centre, Jos.
54. University of West Africa, Kwali-Abuja, FCT.
55. Coastal Univversity, Iba-Oku, Akwa-Ibom State.
The following are currently undergoing further investigations and/or ongoing court actions.
1. National University of Nigeria, Keffi, Nasarawa State.
2. North Central University, Otukpo, Benue State.
3. Christ Alive Christian Seminary and University, Enugu.
4. Richmond Open University, Arochukwu, Abia State.
5. West Coast University, Umuahia.
6. Saint Clements University, Iyin Ekiti, Ekiti State.
7. Volta University College, Aba, Abia State.
8. Illegal Satellite Campuses of Ambrose Alli University.
Jiga Entertainment Readers: if your in any of these Institution, Please ask questions very Well,and if you are planning to Gain admission into any of these institution ask questions too so that you will not waste your time and MONEY...
Have a Nice Day!
15-Year-Old Boy Electrocuted Via His Mobile Phone
15-Year-Old Boy Electrocuted Via His Mobile Phone
A 15-year-old boy named Junior Abia died from an electric shock while listening to music via an earpiece on his mobile phone which was plugged the wall socket, charging.
The incident which happened at the Okesa area of Ado-Ekiti, the Ekiti State capital has left the people of the community in tears.
After Junior raised an alarm, his elder brother, Chibuzor rushed to the scene and was said to have looked for a long stick with which he could remove the earpiece from Junior’s ears but his efforts yielded no result. He then raised an alarm which alerted other people, who swung into action promptly in a bid to rescue Junior.
They succeeded in removing mobile phone from the power socket and rushed Junior to a nearby hospital in the area but unfortunately, the boy passed away just before the rescue team stepped into the hospital.
Narrating the incident to Daily Sun, the mother of the deceased said on that fateful day, Junior had assisted her in cooking some rice which she sells at Okesa market before she left home and barely 2 hours after she left, she got news that her son had been electrocuted and rushed back home where she met people trying to rescue him.
She explained: “We eventually removed the earpiece from his ears, unplugged the handset from the power socket and rushed him to the hospital. But he died just as we were about stepping into the hospital.
“I was told that Junior plucked the handset, which he also connected to the earpiece, into the power socket so as to charge the phone. He was also using the earpiece connected to the phone to listen to some music on the phone.”
Related: A MUST READ: Why Your Phones Batteries Can Explode In Your Pocket
She added that her son would have survived if help had gotten to him on time.
Junior, the second born of his parents was buried three days after his death and according to his mum, all his clothes, pictures, shoes and other things that could bring back some emotional memories had been removed by the family.
It would be recalled that on Thursday, August 7, the Minister of Communications Technology, Omobola Johnson who was represented by Ngozi Ogujiofor, a Deputy Director in the ministry, said the mobile phone was one of the most dangerous devices of communications and cautioned the public on the risks associated with the use of mobile phones.
15-Year-Old Boy Electrocuted Via His Mobile Phone
A 15-year-old boy named Junior Abia died from an electric shock while listening to music via an earpiece on his mobile phone which was plugged the wall socket, charging.
The incident which happened at the Okesa area of Ado-Ekiti, the Ekiti State capital has left the people of the community in tears.
After Junior raised an alarm, his elder brother, Chibuzor rushed to the scene and was said to have looked for a long stick with which he could remove the earpiece from Junior’s ears but his efforts yielded no result. He then raised an alarm which alerted other people, who swung into action promptly in a bid to rescue Junior.
They succeeded in removing mobile phone from the power socket and rushed Junior to a nearby hospital in the area but unfortunately, the boy passed away just before the rescue team stepped into the hospital.
Narrating the incident to Daily Sun, the mother of the deceased said on that fateful day, Junior had assisted her in cooking some rice which she sells at Okesa market before she left home and barely 2 hours after she left, she got news that her son had been electrocuted and rushed back home where she met people trying to rescue him.
She explained: “We eventually removed the earpiece from his ears, unplugged the handset from the power socket and rushed him to the hospital. But he died just as we were about stepping into the hospital.
“I was told that Junior plucked the handset, which he also connected to the earpiece, into the power socket so as to charge the phone. He was also using the earpiece connected to the phone to listen to some music on the phone.”
Related: A MUST READ: Why Your Phones Batteries Can Explode In Your Pocket
She added that her son would have survived if help had gotten to him on time.
Junior, the second born of his parents was buried three days after his death and according to his mum, all his clothes, pictures, shoes and other things that could bring back some emotional memories had been removed by the family.
It would be recalled that on Thursday, August 7, the Minister of Communications Technology, Omobola Johnson who was represented by Ngozi Ogujiofor, a Deputy Director in the ministry, said the mobile phone was one of the most dangerous devices of communications and cautioned the public on the risks associated with the use of mobile phones.
15-Year-Old Boy Electrocuted Via His Mobile Phone
A 15-year-old boy named Junior Abia died from an electric shock while listening to music via an earpiece on his mobile phone which was plugged the wall socket, charging.
The incident which happened at the Okesa area of Ado-Ekiti, the Ekiti State capital has left the people of the community in tears.
After Junior raised an alarm, his elder brother, Chibuzor rushed to the scene and was said to have looked for a long stick with which he could remove the earpiece from Junior’s ears but his efforts yielded no result. He then raised an alarm which alerted other people, who swung into action promptly in a bid to rescue Junior.
They succeeded in removing mobile phone from the power socket and rushed Junior to a nearby hospital in the area but unfortunately, the boy passed away just before the rescue team stepped into the hospital.
Narrating the incident to Daily Sun, the mother of the deceased said on that fateful day, Junior had assisted her in cooking some rice which she sells at Okesa market before she left home and barely 2 hours after she left, she got news that her son had been electrocuted and rushed back home where she met people trying to rescue him.
She explained: “We eventually removed the earpiece from his ears, unplugged the handset from the power socket and rushed him to the hospital. But he died just as we were about stepping into the hospital.
“I was told that Junior plucked the handset, which he also connected to the earpiece, into the power socket so as to charge the phone. He was also using the earpiece connected to the phone to listen to some music on the phone.”
Related: A MUST READ: Why Your Phones Batteries Can Explode In Your Pocket
She added that her son would have survived if help had gotten to him on time.
Junior, the second born of his parents was buried three days after his death and according to his mum, all his clothes, pictures, shoes and other things that could bring back some emotional memories had been removed by the family.
It would be recalled that on Thursday, August 7, the Minister of Communications Technology, Omobola Johnson who was represented by Ngozi Ogujiofor, a Deputy Director in the ministry, said the mobile phone was one of the most dangerous devices of communications and cautioned the public on the risks associated with the use of mobile phones.
When Do You Know It's Your Soul Mate?
Imagine finding that special love in your life with a companion that totally gets you, that loves you unconditionally and that you feel completely protected and safe with. This is the ultimate that can happen in a relationship. To be indescribably drawn to a person with feelings of admiration, respect and attraction is what I describe as a soul mate. I am truly a romanticist and completely believe in soul mates. I believe there is a perfect man out there, somewhere, just preparing himself to finally find the woman of his dreams, to find his soul mate, to finally find me. No one is perfect, but I am hopeful that there is a perfect person for me.
Down in my soul, I feel a certain affinity for a special person that I've known and loved for the past eighteen years. Through his marriage and through my marriage, I've only been truly in love and connected romantically with one person. However, what happens when your true love is unattainable or unavailable? Does that means he's not my true soul mate? I'm forced then to ponder, what's the difference between finding a soul mate, being in love and having raging hormones?
You've heard a friend, a family member even yourself saying those three words, "I'm in love." You feel butterflies in your stomach and you go goo goo for that special someone. You spend time together getting to know each other. You date. One thing leads to the other and then you get serious. After time, you may hear that same person or find yourself saying something like, "I can't believe I ever fell for that person." Other times couples get married and after a period of time, they also say, "I can't believe I ever fell for that person and actually married him/her." People fall in love all the time. They start head-over-heels in relationships as well as get marriage. Then the inevitable happens. The fallacy for falling in love is that more times than other people fall out of love. With your life companion, you stay connected throughout.
You're out at a party and across the room, your eyes gaze and catches on to the person whom you just can't stop grinning at. You have that quivering feeling throughout your body and a sensation that you want to meet this person right away. The physical attraction you have instantly gain for this person sends hormones raging through your body. You want this person. You must have this person. Their eyes met yours and you find yourself engaged in a conversation that entices your sexual juices. One thing leads to another and you find yourself sexually active with this person. The next day, weeks or months later, the physical attraction and desires wane. You no longer see this person in the same light as you did before. You may remain being friends or you both just go your separate ways. With your true love, the desire and attraction never dissipates.
You've experienced being in love, then you fell out of love. You even had a relationship or two with someone you just had to get intimate with. But, they were not your soul mate. Does everyone have a life companion? How do you know when it's your soul mate? The quick answer is yes, everyone has that special someone and when they appear, you'll definitely know. I knew immediately that Rory was my special someone and 18 years later, our friendship, love, understanding and communication are in synch.
In a round table discussion about soul mates, various questions were posed. One question that fueled the perky and diverse group of men and women was who (various people in our lives) can be a soul mate? The majority of the group knowledge of this subject was limited to only a romantic interest. However, David, in his early 30s, was very verbose and expressive when speaking about that strong connection between two people. He was one of the few that believes that you can only have one true partner but also believe that you can have a best friend, a spouse, a business partner or family member to fit the role of a soul mate. He also believes that you will immediately know that special person the moment you meet. David admitted that he is in a romantic relationship with who he knows is his true love. Then, can a soul mate be a best friend, a romantic interest or someone or something else? One definition of soul mate is "A soul mate is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, or compatibility and trust." Obscure in definition, I've discovered that I have two soul mates, a best friend Tara and a romantic companion Rory. With each, I have a connection of unconditional love and understanding that have sustain throughout time, Tara for over 25 years and Rory for over 18 years.
On the other hand, several people in the group expressed that the connotation of a soul mate is unbelievable and unattainable. Sadly, many people do not believe in the life long connection with that special person but believe that people are placed in our lives for a reason or a season as evidence revealed in our discussion. Garrison commented that he's had connections with people from time to time but those feelings faded over time. He and Marie agreed that relationships, of all types, undergo transformation and that people are innately judgmental, combative and that they change over time. Just like Garrison and Marie, many people will never, ever know and experience the serenity and comfort of their soul mate. From experience, I've concluded distinctive qualities to know when you've met your soul mate. The qualities are that they are dependable and reliable, respectful, you feel a connection with, there's unconditional love, they're nonjudgmental, you can be your true self with your soul mate, communication between you is unbelievable, there's an element of clairvoyance and finally serendipity.
One of the best experiences in life is having a soul mate. With all the distractions that life brings, it's so much easier to experience obstacles when I have someone pleasant, someone that gets me and someone that's easy to speak to. Oh, I have two!
Do you have a soul mate?
How to Win Friendship
How to Win Friendship
Of course, friendship plays a very vital role in our lives. For some of us friendship means life, and vice versa. We all have that one friend or a group of friends whom we always want to retain, and play carefully with friendship so that it may not get affected negatively. Friendship is not divine or something which maintains or repairs itself. It is we who maintain, repair or try to keep it in shape. It obviously requires the fuel which energizes it and keeps it healthy and active. Here is a brief note of an event from my college life which left me deeply affected and educated as well. We were three friends (Mr. A, Mr. B, and I). Mr. B was very funny, loved by all, and so on. Let me also add - Mr. B was just adorable. Everybody liked him, and we three liked each other even more. One day, we three were busy in a rambling talk. Suddenly Mr. A laughed and said to Mr. B, 'You are so funny, don't you have any self-respect or something!' I don't exactly remember how 'self-respect' came in between the talk, but the reply by Mr. B left me deeply affected. He said, 'You know what, I don't compromise with my self-respect. I love my self-respect so much that I won't see the person's face who messed with my self-respect. But, I never bring self-respect in friendship. I could be fatal.'
There it is! I can't say how much you agree with my friend on his view on self-respect, but he surely believed that bringing in 'self-respect' is not good for friendship. Let's talk about other points along with 'self-respect' which are the keys to win friendship -
1. Don't worry much about Self-respect - When it comes to fun and enjoyment, just keep aside your worry about self-respect or ego. No denying the fact that self-respect is as important as other essentials for survival. Our opinions may differ on 'self-respect', but when it comes to friendship you have to let your hair down. You know you win children's hearts not just by buying them chocolates, but also by acting, behaving or making fun like them. And then, you don't worry much about your EGO of self-respect.
2. 'I care' attitude - In friendship we care. And if we can't care due to some circumstances, we at least understand. Your friends talk about various problems, big or small. Take these little problems in your interest. Take it in your interest in particular if it is the time to revive your friendship. See if you can help your friend personally; if not, try to seek help for your friend in your connections. If the issue of your friend is monstrous or out of your reach, just take his hand in your hands and say I understand.
3. Keep planning - Friendship is also about planning. To achieve something we plan, and to plan we need trusted guys, and trusted guys are your friends. To keep your friendship alive talk about your plans, their plans and keep planning. Don't worry if you don't have any solid plan or any blueprint of your plan; just think of planning something in air. My friend Mr. B used to say, 'I'm planning to speak to your parents.' And that was enough to create an atmosphere of fun.
4. It's okay to talk nonsense - Well, I'm surely not talking nonsense. It is a fact that your friends miss 'nonsenses' you used to talk. These little nonsenses tickle your funny bones and bring smiles on the faces of your friends. I have seen people crying while recalling old pal's nonsenses.
5. Never say 'Good-bye' forever - Well, the thing is my good friend Mr. B is very busy and has got a family to run. Circumstances don't allow him to mess with us anymore. It's been three years of our separation, and we miss him. We had lots of fun together, after all. But don't think for a second that he's not our friend anymore. He never said good-bye to us. We may forget to connect to him over phone or through SMS and social-media, but he keeps us 'poking' once a week. We are connected even today, and we would 'plan' something very soon.
Monday, August 25, 2014
The 2014 MTV Video Music Awards Worst Dressed, Starring Katy Perry & Riff Raff’s Matching Denim [PHOTOS]
That wonderful evening where every musically-inclined human being in the industry gets their absolutely weirdest on the red carpet and off. We are, of course, talking about the 2014 MTV Video Music Awards, which we liveblogged earlier to bring you up-to-the-minute coverage of music’s most bizarre night. We already covered the best dressed, so now, it’s time to narrow down the worst dressed list, from the tackiest to the most disappointing to the just plain naked-est.
Friday, August 22, 2014
August 22, 2014
According to ThisDay, one of
the health attendants that
attended to the Liberian Patrick
Sawyer, but survived the
ravages of the disease, went to
the church last Sunday to
testify to the goodness of God
in her life.
Those giving testimonies were
10 in number and she was
number four on the queue.
When it was her turn to share
her testimony with the
congregation, she testified that
she survived the ailment and
had tested negative to Ebola.
When it was time for her to
return the microphone to the
pastor to call the next person,
this is what transpired:
Pastor: Don’t worry, give the
microphone to the next
Next person: (shifts back)
Nooo, give it to pastor.
Ebola testifier: Pastor, take
your microphone, he is not
collecting it.
Pastor: Give it to the sister
behind him.
Sister: Shuuooo! I don forget
my testimony, may be next
Ebola testifier: Pastor, if you
are not ready to collect the
microphone, I will put it on
the floor (heading back to
her seat).
Before she could turn back to
return to her seat, everyone in
the church had jumped outside
for dear life. lol
Two Weeks Ago I Was The King, Now I Am The Devil Of Manchester – Van Gaal
Louis van Gaalhas hit out at criticism following Manchester United’s opening defeat to Swansea City and maintains the club are set for a “difficult three months”.
“Two weeks ago I was the king of Manchester and now I am the devil of Manchester,” said Van Gaal.
“It’s the football world and it is especially the media in this football world. I think the fans of Manchester are intelligent.
“I’ve already said in all the press conferences that it shall be difficult in the first three months, for the players and also for the fans.
“I can imagine the fans are scared. They saw last year and the first home match. They have to believe.Paul Scholeshas to believe.”
Kim Kardashian’s Nip Slip As Cleavage Squeezed Into Cut-Out Jumpsuit [SEE PHOTOS]
Kim Kardashian is one of those moms who can boast of a perfectly rounded body and she wouldn’t hesitate to show it off. The 33 year-old reality star rocked this jumpsuit to a Cosmetic event in Los Angeles, California.
U.S Donates High Tech Bomb Disposal Robots To Nigeria | PHOTOS
The Inspector-General of Police, Ag. IGP Suleiman Abba yesterday at Force Headquarters, Abuja, received the US Ambassador to Nigeria, James F. Entwistle who congratulated the Ag. IGP on his new appointment as the Police Boss and thanked the Nigeria Police Force for its high level of co-operation and huge partnership with the US Embassy in Nigeria.
Kim Kardashian Shares Selfie Of Her Super Hour Glass Figure In Tight Corset | SEE PHOTO
Kim Kardashian shared a bedroom selfie of herself looking all endowed in her corset. We just love Kim Kardashian’s body and we think she’s got that perfect hour-glass figure. Do you agree?
Thursday, August 21, 2014
15 Famous Quotes From Patience Jonathan That Will Never Stop Being Funny
15 Famous Quotes From
Patience Jonathan That Will
Never Stop Being Funny
The Nigerian first lady, Dame
Patience Jonathan has thrilled
us over the past few years with
riveting grammatical blunders
that will get you reeling with
laughter. Here are the 15 most
interesting ones:
1. My husband and Sambo is a
good people.
2. The President was once a
child and the Senators were
once a children.
3. My fellow widows.
4. A good mother takes care of
his children.
5. The people sitting before you
were once a children.
6. Yes we are all happy for the
effort, , it is not easy to carry
second in an International
competition like this one,
(addressing press men after
Female Under-19 FIFA World
7. The bombers who born
them? Wasn’t it
not a woman? They were once
a children now a adult now they
are bombing women and
children making some children
a widow.
8. My heart feels sorry for these
children who have become
widows for loosing their parents
for one reason or another.
9. We should have love for our
fellow Nigerians irrespective of
10. Thank God the Doctors and
Nurses are responding to
11. I would rather kill myself
instead of committing suicide.
12. Ojukwu is a great man, he
died but his manhood lives on.
13) Chai! Chai! There is God
o… there’s God in everything
we are doing, continue!
14) Na only you waka come?
15) Vote UMBLERRA and press
your finger
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Pope Francis Says He Could Die by 2017
Pope Francis has suggested that he might one day resign the papacy like his predecessor, Pope Benedict XVI did last year, which would make him the second consecutive Pope to do so after almost 600 years. He said this yesterday Aug. 18th while speaking with reporters on his way back to Rome after his state visit to South Korea.
Rihanna and Drake Spotted At The Club Together [PHOTOS]
Rihanna and Drake, who broke again in April were spotted partying together last night at Griffin Nightclub in New York. They reportedly arrived separately, partied together in VIP, and left the club separately.
A Suspected Ebola Case Has Been Reported In Ibadan, The Oyo State Capital
A Suspected Ebola Case Has Been Reported In Ibadan The Oyo State Capital
The Oyo State government is battling to unravel the veracity of a report that a suspected Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) patient was brought to Adeoyo State Hospital, Ring Road, Ibadan, on Monday.
The state Commissioner for Health, Dr. Muyiwa Gbadegesin, said the result of the blood sample taken to University College Hospital (UCH) for laboratory test is being awaited.
“We saw a suspected patient. It will be presumptuous to jump into conclusion until the result of the test is out. But it is not likely to be positive,” Dr. Gbadegesin said.
The case has created fear and panic among residents as people abstained from contact with the sick.
However, Dr. Gbadesin assured that there is no cause for panic, adding that the government has put measures in place to check the disease.
“But let’s wait for the result of the blood test,” he stated.
WEIRD: 19-Yr-Old R*pes Chicken To Death In Ondo
WEIRD: 19-Yr-Old R*pes Chicken To Death In Ondo
A-19-year-old apprentice welder (names withheld) was caught today making love to a hen. The fowl reportedly died during the act.
hen-sexThe taboo was said to have been committed by the apprentice at about 11.20 p.m. at Continental area of Akure metropolis.
The suspect, Vanguard learnt, had committed same taboo with a goat in his home town, Afo in Ose council area of the state.
He was said to have been ex-communicated from his home town because of the offence which made him to move in with his brother in Akure.
Speaking with newsmen, the owner of fowl,Mrs Stella Akintola,who resides in the same building confirmed that the man actually made love to her chicken.
According to her, she went to bed early but was woken up by the noise coming from the chickens at the back of her room, an indication that someone was disturbing their peace.
The discovery
Akintola said she went outside only to find that the back door was still opened. According to her, she became curious and “I shouted to know who was still at the backyard only for him to appear from the corner of the house, saying he went to the toilet because he had a running stomach.”
Akintola said she was not convinced especially as she noticed that the noise from the chickens’ pen stopped abruptly.
She said she went to where the chickens were but nothing was found. “It was when I visited the toilet that I found one of the them stone dead with its feathers littering the floor,” she said.
Still unaware that the suspect was the cause of the death of the bird, Akintola said she raised an alarm only for him to confess that he was responsible for the death of the fowl.
Akintola said the suspect confessed and begged her for forgiveness, saying he would pay any amount for the dead fowl.
She said she decided not to report the matter to the police because she could not stand the rigour she would be subjected to by the police over a “minor offence.”
Report had it that there were evidence that the man actually had s*x with the hen when it was examined by the owner and others living in the building.
A spirit directed me to do it —Suspect
In an interview with newsmen, the suspect, who declined to speak initially, however, said a spirit directed him to do what he did.
He said: “I was already sleeping when a spirit just came upon me and directed me to go to the back of the building. I did not know what I was doing again until when I discovered that I had slept with the hen.”
Contacted, the police image maker, Wole Ogodo, said since the matter was not reported to the police, he could not comment on it.
Ogodo noted that “it is what members of the public bring to our notice that we investigate. This is a strange occurrence if what you are telling me is the truth
Church of Satan Opened in Ukraine
Church of Satan Opened in Ukraine
The first Church of Satan appeared in Ukraine, Cherkassk region.
The Church of Satan is headed by the Kiev resident Sergey Neboga
The first in Ukraine and in the whole post-Soviet territory religious community of the devil worshippers is called Bozhichi. The Church of Satan is headed by the Kiev resident Sergey Neboga.
During the opening ceremony local journalists witnessed night service, sacrifice and prayer. It is supposed that there will be everyday services, religious events such as black marriages, consecrations, dechristening.
There is a small candle workshop, a workshop for making hell icons, a rite fireplace, a bath-house, buildings for organization of everyday life, adjoining farm and so on. It is noteworthy that a religious community is even officially registered as a legal entity in the State Register of Ukraine.
The Church of Satan is a religious organization dedicated to the philosophy of LaVeyan Satanism as codified in The Satanic Bible. The Church of Satan states that there are a number of Satanists around the world, including both members and non-members.
It often rejects the legitimacy of any other organizations of Satanists, dubbing them reverse-Christians, pseudo-Satanists or Devil worshipers. Today, the Church of Satan promotes itself as the only authentic representation of Satanism, and it routinely publishes materials underscoring this contention.
Man Bites Girlfriend After Catching Her With Another Man
Man Bites Girlfriend After Catching Her With Another Man
A 37-year-old Carpenter, Okechukwu Onyemachi has been arrested and arraigned before a court for assaulting his girlfriend.
It was reported that Okechukwu Onyemachi chopped off the upper lip of his lover, Nneka Obi after he saw another man in her house when he went to visit her.
In a bid to avoid being prosceuted for his crime, he was said to have attempted suicide.
RELATED: Man Kills Girl For Refusing His Sexual Advances, Rapes Her Friend Afterwards
He has was, however charged with assault and arraigned before a Magistrate Court in the Ebute Metta area of the state.
The prosecutor, Sergeant Quasim Adams, told the court that the incident happened on August 7, 2014 at about 8.30am in Oyingbo.
Sergeant Quasim Adams further said that the suspect beat up the victim and hit her with a hard object on the head before biting off her lip.
Onyemachi, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
Over the past months there has been reports of similar attacks.
Just yesterday, it was reported that a Married man identified as Moses bathed a girl with acid while she was sleeping for refusing his sexual advances.
Another case is the 28-year-old man, Raphael Effiong, who stabbed his lover, Gift Sunday, to death on the arm and the breast for refusing to marry him.
Another Liberian Confirmed With Ebola Virus In Lagos
Another Liberian Confirmed With Ebola Virus In Lagos
Over a month after the Liberian-American, Patrick Sawyer came to Nigeria with the deadly Ebola Virus, another Liberian has been reportedly diagnosed with the disease in Lagos.
CKN NIGERIA reports that another Liberian has been confirmed with the deadly disease in Lagos. This was made known few minutes ago by a Senior Registrar with Igbobi Orthopaedic hospital ,Lagos Dr Akindele Akintayo while speaking at a Morning Television programme monitored in Lagos.
Related: Things You Didn’t Know About The Ebola-Ridden Doctor Adadevoh
Dr. Akintayo revealed that the Liberian is in the Lagos Isolation center, although the doctor could not confirm if the newly Ebola virus carrier Liberian had contacts with late Patrick Sawyer or not. World Health Organization recent Ebola update made it known that there are now 2240 cases confirmed while it has recorded 1229 deaths since its outbreak in Africa.
It will be recalled that the Minister of Health yesterday announced the death of Dr Ameyo Adadevoh ,one of the doctors that treated Late Mr Sawyer at First Consultant Hospital,Lagos.More details later.
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Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Ebola Scare: Lagos Babe Smashes Man’s Head With Bottle For Hugging Her
Some people are taking this Ebola scare too far. A woman who was afraid of contracting Ebola from hugging on Monday smashed a beer bottle on a man’s head for during to hug her in the Ajah area of Lagos.
The woman identified as Bunmi was said to have been angry when her friend, Ademola Ojikutu, held her from behind without her consent in this “dreadful season” of Ebola.
Her elder sister, Yemi, told Leadership that her sister was afraid of contracting Ebola and had since refused to shake anybody including her (Yemi).
The elder sister said she was discussing with her sister, Bunmi, at Ilaje area when Ojikutu held her from behind…
Yemi said her sister was enraged and, out of anger, picked a bottle from a nearby beer parlour and smashed it on Ademola’s head.
Blood gushed out from his head so much that people around had to rush him to a nearby hospital in the area in order to save the guy’s life.
Although the elder sister confirmed that she was not happy about what her sister did to Ademola but added that he was also wrong to grab her from behind since he knows that everyone is scared of Ebola.
Ademola is now suffering in pains. Guys, please stay away from ladies who are good with beer bottles. lol!
Just friends? Nicki Minaj shares racy pics with Drake from Anaconda video


Ebola: 61 People Certified Negative & Freed In Lagos
Lagos state Governor Babatunde Fashola remarked:
Police arrest Boko Haram suspect at NAMA office In Lagos [PHOTO]
A suspected Boko Haram member was arrested this afternoon by policemen after he allegedly attempted to bomb the Nigerian Airspace Management Authority, NAMA, office in Lagos. Some explosive materials were found with him. Details later…
Monday, August 18, 2014
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