Ever since a photo of Yusuf Buhari emerged online yesterday, Nigerian Twittersphere has been in a frenzy!
In case you missed it, here are photos of president-elect, Muhammadu Buhari with Yusuf and Zahra. These were the photos that got people interested in him:
Here is what people are saying about the handsome, young man:
Is there anyone that can help with Arabic classes? don’t wanna take chances.Yusuf Buhari is the goal.
— Temi (@wittytemmie) May 29, 2015
Dreamt I got married to Yusuf Buhari…you all knw dreams come true right?pls no beefing,go get your revelation too…
— Temi (@wittytemmie) May 29, 2015
Just Imagine how many more votes @APCNigeria would have gotten had Yusuf Buhari been on the Campaign Trail. *Laughing in 8D*
— NeFeRtItI (@waheeeedah) May 29, 2015
Yusuf Buhari’s girlfriend going through twitter right now like…. pic.twitter.com/6PbMi2VzQx
— فطمة امن (@mss_eff) May 28, 2015
Omo see Yusuf Buhari’s side profile. Pls take my girlfriend from me. pic.twitter.com/aHychu9NRu
— I’m Yusuf Buhari btw (@ade15osh) May 28, 2015
If they had brought forward Yusuf Buhari before elections I would have
taken a flight to Nigeria just to vote for my future father-in-law
— Shaky Warrior (@WANIMINAJ) May 28, 2015

somebody sai she’s single and waiting for yusuf buhari 

my sister u will die unmarried
— zahra (@mss_xahra) May 28, 2015
Celebrate “Yusuf-Buhari-Day”. Dump your boyfriend
— Akanbi…Rayyan (@Akanbi_Rayyan) May 28, 2015
Knock Knock Who’s there ? Yu… Don’t even complete it. Yusuf Buhari I know it’s you. Come in.
— AMMM (@aisha__modibbo) May 28, 2015
So many relationship bout to go down today because of this Yusuf Buhari. Lmfaooooo
— Stephen Curry (@mr_dutsi) May 28, 2015
Buhari emerged on twitter today, but he’s getting all the love. I’ve
been on these streets for 5years 8months and i cant get a dm?
— Sa’ad Balarabe (@Solidddddd) May 28, 2015
I dated a Hausa bog named Yusuf in my 300 to 400 level. This is a sign that Yusuf Buhari is the man for me.
— Achalugo (@Ohamiri) May 28, 2015
Buhari’s son gotta be the standard unit for measuring “handsomeNess”… like some kg of Yusuf Buhari’s handsomeNess…is all he’s go
— فاتحة (@1_Firstlaideete) May 29, 2015
That’s how my mother came to the room to tell me about how the twitter women were going crazy about Yusuf Buhari. I was like
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