These officers are in the mood. Instead of them to wait till after work and go to their home and romance, they are doing it at work. Through that process they got busted.
Two Tanzanian traffic police, Asumba Mwasumbi and Veronica Mdeme, whose kissing photos became viral after it found its way to the Internet have been sacked from their work. A third officer, Fadhiri Linga, who snapped the offending photos with his phone, was also fired for encouraging immorality while on duty.
The photo shows two police officers, a male and a female in full uniform, doing the thing with their mouth in public.
The officers were on duty when the decided
to get some loving and have their friend take a keep sake for them.
The third officer who uploaded the photo online has also been disciplined and is having loads of hate messages from friends and the family of the dismissed cops since it was his indiscretion that led to Asumba and Veronica getting the boot, while the scandal has sparked off social media frenzy in the country.
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