Saturday, January 10, 2015

5 Signs You're Dating the Wrong Girl

By Agozie Jiga  |   

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Expert Author Lenny Rowell
In the beginning of most relationships, every seems perfect. You smile, laugh and spend all of your time with each other. However, once the dust settles and the newness of the relationship wears off, you may start to wonder if you are dating the wrong girl? Sure, it may still be fun to hang out with her and the attraction may still be there, but it seems to be something about her that just rubs you the wrong way. Here are a few signs to help you realize you may be dating the wrong girl.

Sign #1: You Find yourself Uninterested
If you're sitting down over a lovely dinner and you're having a long chat with your partner... and you find yourself mentally checking out. It's not that you actively can't be bothered to listen to what she's saying, or that you're tuning out just to make a point: you just constantly catch yourself wanting to ask her to repeat the last thing that she said because you can't remember it for the life of you. Not every conversation is going to be scintillating, but you should at least want to listen most of the time.
Sign #2: You're Annoyed by the Little Things
It might have been something that you noticed right at the start of your relationship- the way she pronounces a certain word or one certain tic that she's prone to- that you maybe thought was cute or just pretty easy to ignore back in the day. And you find yourself starting to get annoyed to an irrational degree at all these petty little things- where once it was just a little bit of a pain, now you dread the time you have to spend with her in case she does that thingagain.
Sign #3: You Avoid Family Gatherings
... and any other events that might signal a long-term future down the line. It's not that you don't like her family, it's just that you feel a bit squeamish about doing anything that ties you in with her life for a substantial length of time. Either subconsciously or consciously, you're checking out of the relationship in your head and trying to lessen the impact a break-up might have on both of your lives.
Sign #4: You're Not Excited to See Her
Even as long-term relationships progress, you'll still often feel that spark of excitement about seeing your beloved if you've been apart for a while. If you've just realised you haven't felt this in a long time... it's not a good sign. You don't have to be dancing down the streets with glee every time you set up a date, but if you feel ambivalent about your arranged meet-ups then it's an indicator that you don't feel a whole lot for this chick.
Sign #5: You Won't Make Her Part of Your Life
No matter how independent you are, having a partner does mean that you open your life up just a little bit- maybe she hangs out with your friends every now and then, or comes to your work events. If you're frantically trying to keep her away from anything that might make her a permanent fixture- not letting anyone meet her, keeping dates strictly at hers- it's not good news. Integrating her into your day-to-day life implies that you're happy for her to stay there for a while- and the opposite means precisely the opposite.
Dating the wrong girl can be a difficult thing to get out of if you're worried about meeting someone new, or even just used to the routine of dating them. But breaking things off is for sure the right thing to do- you don't have to worry about being stuck with someone you're not sure about, and they don't have to worry about trying to keep what is already a failing relationship afloat.
Instead of wasting another second with the wrong girl, I would advise looking for a girl that shows signs of being girlfriend material.

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